blockchain Talk: what is Lightning Network and how it works BlockchainDevs, Milan 08/04/2019 Is there such a thing as a fast bitcoin chain? Slides
Talk: Agile vs ?? Appsterdam Milan meetup 15/10/2015 How to become a happy Agile developers... and never feel lost []
CaD (Code as Data): How data insights on legacy codebases can fill the knowledge gap in complex modernization projects How data insights on legacy codebases can fill the knowledge gap in complex modernization projects.
Talk: oop vs functional - stop the fight and start building message driven serverless applications Codemotion [], Berlin 20/11/2018 Let's get back to the time when languages could be defined with just 6 reserved keywords or none at all, and learn how the ideas that John McCarthy and Alan Key envisioned in Lisp and Smalltalk are still alive and kicking